Book Your February Half Term Camps Book Now

SuperCamps Mobile App

Managing your bookings just became a little bit easier!

We are excited to share the SuperCamps Mobile App! One of the ways we’re enhancing the parent experience this Summer, allowing you to… 

  • See and manage Upcoming Bookings.
  • Sign-in and sign-out digitally each day.
  • Add and manage Extended Care for Early Drop-off and Late Pick-up.
  • See “What's On” each day.
  • Receive key Notifications about your child’s camp.

Download now!

Please download via the link from your mobile device (or Scan QR code) below. Login using the same SuperCamps account details you use to login to the website when making a booking.


All you need to do it use the same login details (email & password) that you use to log in to the website.

You can set a new password on the Website Login or in the App. Once reset, the new password will be the same on both the Website and App.

When you log into the App you will be taken automatically to the details of your next camp day under 'Upcoming Bookings'.

Tap SEE ALL at the top right of the Upcoming Booking screen.

Tap on the QR code in the Upcoming Booking screen and you will see a larger version that the camp staff member can then scan.

Tap on the Extended Care icon on the Upcoming Bookings screen and you can add AM and PM sessions for you child(ren). The cost of each session will be displayed and when you confirm sessions the total cost will be added to your order balance. Your order will then show as Part Paid if you go to the SEE ALL orders area of the App (however, you will need to access the order via the website to pay off the balance).

The App will show No Upcoming Bookings - you can click Book and you will be taken to a mobile responsive version of the site where you can make a booking.

Tap the i icon in Upcoming Booking screen.

You will need to do this in the My Account area of the website.

We will send important announcements and notifications specific to your child's camp via the App. This is a feature unique to the App and will help parents to stay up-to-date with developments and events.